JANLEA in INTA | A Dialogue with Global Intellectual Property
2024-06-28        Janlea Updates        来源: 原创

From May 18 to 22, 2024, the global intellectual property community turned its focus to Atlanta, USA, for the 146th Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA). This premier event attracted experts, scholars, and industry leaders from around the world. Among them, the JANLEA IP team, comprising senior partners Joanne Jiao, Regina Feng, Simoon Zhao, Emily Cai, and experienced trademark agents Chen Liao and Robert Jin, actively participated to engage and learn from their global counterparts.

During the conference, JANLEA IP engaged with international peers and partners, delving into the latest trends in global intellectual property. They also seized the opportunity to meet with clients from diverse regions, including the USA, Europe, Australia, Brazil, and Malaysia, aiming to better understand their needs and elevate service quality. Additionally, JANLEA IP fostered relationships with representatives from other firms, laying the groundwork for future collaborations.

As one of the largest and most influential events in the intellectual property sphere, the INTA Annual Meeting consistently commands attention worldwide. This year’s INTA conference attracted over 9,600 professionals, including brand experts, industry leaders, and government officials from 136 countries and regions. This gathering provided a pivotal platform for exchanging insights, sharing experiences, and forging partnerships.

At the INTA conference, JANLEA IP received recognition, being listed among the "Top 40 Ranking in Service Capabilities among Chinese Foreign-Related Trademark Agencies" by the China Trademark Association and MOZLEN. Additionally, they were featured in the "2024 'MOZLEN 500' List of China's Leading Foreign-Related Trademark Agencies," underscoring their exceptional international client trademark agency experience, robust business prowess, and global impact.

Through their engagement at INTA, JANLEA IP broadened their international perspective and showcased their expertise. Looking forward, JANLEA pledges to deepen collaboration with global counterparts, partnering with INTA to drive value for clients and propel advancements in intellectual property.

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