China and America Jointly Conducted Two Crackdown on Counterfeits: Over 1560 US Exported Right Infringing Cases were Solved
2024-06-28        IP News        来源: IP NEWS

As learnt from the General Administration of Customs, in August 2017, Guangzhou Customs successfully tracked down 127 US exported right infringing parcels. The Customs also assisted the police in destroying 7 production, sale, storage, or transportation spots and in arresting 36 criminal suspects. The value of these cases exceeded 20 million RMB. Chinese Customs and the US Customs jointly conducted intellectual property protection law enforcement in April and August of this year and solved more than 1560 US exported right infringing cases, which included this case.

From 2013 to now, the customs of the two countries had 6 joint law enforcements. During the cooperation, Chinese customs remained in close contact with the US Customs and promptly shared case information with the US Customs, successfully helping the US capture suspects within the US.

Currently, Chinese Customs have singed IPR law enforcement cooperation memo with the customs of countries such as the US, EU, Russia, Japan and Korea. The Customs also actively participate in the IPR organizations that are under multilateral collaboration structure, such as World Customs Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization, International Criminal Police Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Chinese Customs played an active role in the global administration. Furthermore, Chinese Customs have signed cooperation memo with the Motion Picture Association of America and the International Trademark Association. More than 4000 internationally famous companies registered for IPR customs protection records at the General Administration of Customs.

As of now, the international society has been giving great recognition for the law enforcement achievement of Chinese Customs. Organizations including the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition and International Criminal Police Organization have awarded Chinese Customs “International IPR Crime Investigation Cooperation Award”, “Best Governmental Institution of Global Anti-Counterfeiting”, and other titles. Transnational companies that are investing in China recognized Chinese Customs as the “most efficient IPR law enforcement institution”. 

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